7 interesting facts about pandas

Pandas are fascinating creatures that capture the hearts of people around the world. Pandas are known for their distinctive black and white markings, with black patches around their eyes, ears, and limbs. Their round faces and chubby bodies give them an adorable and cuddly appearance.

Pandas are classified as an endangered species. Their population is primarily found in the mountainous regions of central China, particularly in the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. Due to habitat loss, low birth rates, and poaching, pandas face a constant threat to their survival.
Here are 7 interesting facts about pandas:

1/ Pandas Have a Preference for Solitude

Contrary to popular belief that pandas prefer to live in groups, these animals actually have a stronger inclination towards solitude and often avoid direct contact with their own kind. Each year, male and female pandas only come together for mating purposes, which lasts for about 2-3 days in the springtime (from March to May). Afterward, the males separate from the females and live on their own to enjoy a solitary life until the next mating season.

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2/ Pandas Spend Their Days Eating

The daily diet of pandas mainly consists of bamboo and occasionally includes some types of fruits. Due to the high fiber content in their diet, pandas have to eat a lot (more than 12 hours a day) to ensure they receive enough nutrients for their plump bodies. Apart from eating, they spend the remaining time resting and regaining energy for their next feeding session.

3/ Pandas Have a “False Thumb”

In reality, the paws of pandas have five digits but lack a true opposable thumb. Instead, they have an enlarged wrist bone that functions similarly to a thumb. This “false thumb” allows them to easily grasp and hold onto bamboo stems.

4/ Panda Fur Provides Camouflage

Pandas are known for their adorable black and white fur. However, their fur color serves not only an aesthetic purpose but also provides effective camouflage. The unique pattern of panda fur enables them to blend in with both bright and dark backgrounds, especially in bamboo forest environments, helping them avoid potential dangers.

5/ There are Two Species of Pandas

Most pandas are found in the Sichuan region of China. However, there is another rare species of pandas that inhabit the Qinling Mountains in the Shaanxi province of China, known as the red pandas.

Red pandas are slightly smaller than the common pandas and have reddish-brown and white fur instead of black and white. Similar to their counterparts, red pandas are also facing the threat of extinction and require urgent protection.

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6/ Pandas Belong to the “Carnivore” Category

Although 99% of their diet consists of bamboo, pandas are classified as “carnivores.” On average, an adult panda needs to consume at least 18 kg of bamboo leaves per day.

Wild pandas sometimes eat grass, plant roots, birds, small animals, and even carrion. Captive pandas can also consume honey, eggs, fish, carrots, potatoes, shrub leaves, and various fruits such as apples, oranges, and bananas.

7/ Baby Pandas Weigh as Much as a Pencil

Due to their short gestation period of about 135 days, baby pandas are born weighing only 80-120 grams. They are also the smallest mammalian infants. The size of a baby panda is approximately 1/1900th of its mother’s size, whereas this ratio is around 1/26 for most other mammal species.

Despite the brief pregnancy, pandas do not reproduce quickly like other animals and only mate after two years. This is also the reason why these animals are increasingly threatened with extinction and require immediate protection.

In this article, we have shared the article about 7 interesting facts about pandas with you. We hope this information is useful to you.

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