3 new methods to control millipede in your garden

Here is the article about three methods to control millipede in your garden:

A millipede, is an insect that harms plants by feeding on their roots, leaves, and tender shoots, causing damage to crops. However, millipede also plays a role in decomposing aged leaves and creating fertilizer for the soil and plants in small quantities.

1/ The causes of millipede:

The causes of millipede can be divided into two main sources:

  • Natural: millipede are a natural insect species that typically inhabit moist environments and live underground. They tend to move around in search of food.
  • From untreated soil and manure: Soil and untreated manure contain various harmful larvae, including millipede. When using untreated soil or manure, these larvae can develop into millipede and harm the soil and plants.

2/ Three effective methods to control millipede in your garden:

a. Bait trapping: Use food bait to attract and concentrate millipede in one location. Then, you can collect and eliminate them. Food baits such as decomposing fruit waste, banana peels, or melon rinds are used as bait.

b. Lime powder: Sprinkle lime powder on the soil and mix it to eliminate millipede. This method is particularly effective for large garden areas. However, be cautious not to use excessive lime to avoid increasing the soil’s pH and harming the plants.

c. Pesticides: Use specific millipede pesticides such as Vifu Super, Neem oil, mosquito sprays, Regent 800 WG, or Metarhizium green fungus. However, this method should only be applied to ornamental plants, and caution is advised as pesticides can be harmful to human health and the environment.

Note that the appropriate method to control millipede depends on the specific situation and the type of plants you are cultivating. Additionally, whenever possible, prioritize using biological and natural measures to maintain the safety of plants, the environment, and human health.

Read more: 5 Interesting facts about millipede

3/ Other methods to control millipede in your garden – Preventive measures against millipede:

a. Maintain cleanliness and dryness in your home and garden: Ensure clean and dry conditions in areas within your home and garden. Pay special attention to thorough cleaning in corners, plant pot bases, flowers, and areas with low humidity, as they provide ideal habitats for book lice. Regular cleaning and hygiene practices help prevent millipede infestations.

b. Soil and garden renovation: After each growing season, revitalize the soil by mixing lime into it. This helps eliminate harmful microorganisms’ larvae, such as millipede, and prevents their development. Regular soil renovation helps keep the soil in good condition and limits the growth of millipede.

c. Use treated manure: When using manure, ensure it has been properly treated to remove or reduce the presence of harmful larvae, including millipede. Conventional manure often contains numerous millipede larvae. Using treated manure helps eliminate or reduce the number of millipede larvae that may exist in the manure.

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4/ Can millipede bite?

Millipede defend themselves by rolling up into a ball when they are threatened. Millipede do not bite.

In some cases, they may release toxins from their glands to combat predators such as: Spiders, Ants, and Other insects.
Some kinds of millipede can even spray toxins a few steps away if they detect a threat.

5/ Does millipede cause poisoning?

Hydrochloric acid and hydrogen cyanide are toxic to the predators of the millipede species and can cause burning and asphyxiation.

In large quantities, these toxins can also be harmful to humans. However, the amount of toxins released by millipede is very small, so they cannot cause poisoning in humans.

These are the three methods to control millipede in your garden and the types of millipede pesticides. We hope these insights help you address the issue you are facing. Good luck!

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